Candela Technologies started producing LANforge products and services in 2000.
Candela focuses on network testing and emulation solutions. In 2006, Candela started
providing WiFi testing solutions.
Candela Technologies can provide a network that emulates 16 or more WAN clients
for online game testing. This includes a mixture of WAN impairments and WiFi connectiviy.
Inflight entertainment poses a high-density, high bandwidth WiFi scenario. LANforge
can emulate hundreds of customers streaming media to their devices.
LANforge can emulate stations that decide to roam between a list of access points. This
test can exercise your campus deployment by roaming hundreds of stations across your
access points.
Domestic mesh networks are a popular network backbone for people at home.
LANforge can report results of roaming across the nodes in your mesh network.
The TR-398 test plan is a pass/fail matrix of tests that can be used to evaluate the
quality of service access points can deliver. LANforge provides automated TR-398 testing.
Getting WiFi on a bus, train or airplane can involve subscription services, identity providers
and roaming technologies. LANforge virtual stations can test migrating between these venues and report on
throughput and connection quality.
A brief history of Candela Technologies and the feature highlights of LANforge WiFIRE
802.11a/b/g/n/AC Client Simulator with Stateful WiFi Traffic Generation.
Covers the initial setup of the LANforge-GUI and the day
to day use of the LANforge system. This document contains
useful information on usage for those who wish to use the CLI
interface as well.
Covers the features and day to day use of the LANforge
Attenuator system. This document contains useful information
on usage for those who wish to use the CLI interface as
This document covers the installation of the LANforge
Traffic-Generator hardware/software. This is intended
primarily for those installing the LANforge system onto their
own hardware, as Candela Technologies ships all of their
components installed and configured.
This document covers the installation of the LANforge
Hardware components.
Some PERL based Command Line Interface (CLI) scripting
examples to automate control of the LANforge system using the
TELNET interface usually on port 4001.