In this test scenario a LANforge system is used to create both the wireless stations and Flent test setup. The tests can then be configured to use Flent to generate upload or download traffic. FLENT - FLExible Network Tester is a set of python scripts that use various open-source tools to generate traffic and collect test data. Flent is developed and maintained by Toke Høiland-Jørgensen One advantage to using Flent on LANforge is that a single LANforge box can send traffic to itself which eliminates the need for multiple systems to run client/server test traffic against a DUT. |
[lanforge@ct523c-0b29 ~]$ flent --list-tests
Available tests:
bursts : Latency measurements under intermittent UDP bursts
bursts_11e : 802.11e Latency measurements under intermittent UDP bursts
cisco_5tcpup : RTT Fair Realtime Response Under Load
cisco_5tcpup_2udpflood : Cisco 5TCP up + 2 6Mbit UDP
cubic_bbr : Cubic VS BBR smackdown
cubic_cdg : Cubic VS CDG smackdown
cubic_dctcp : Cubic VS DCTCP smackdown
cubic_ledbat : Cubic VS Ledbat smackdown
cubic_ledbat_1 : Cubic vs LEDBAT upload streams w/ping
cubic_reno : Cubic VS Reno smackdown
cubic_westwood : Cubic VS Westwood
dslreports_8dn : 8 down - dslreports dsl test equivalent
http : HTTP latency test
http-1down : HTTP get latency with competing TCP download stream
http-1up : HTTP get latency with competing TCP upload stream
http-rrul : HTTP get latency with competing RRUL test
iterated_bidirectional : Iterated TCP bidirectional transfers example
ledbat_cubic_1 : Cubic vs LEDBAT upload streams w/ping
ping : Ping test (ICMP and UDP)
qdisc-stats : Capture qdisc stats
reno_cubic_westwood_cdg : Realtime Response Under Load
(with different congestion control algs)
reno_cubic_westwood_ledbat : Realtime Response Under Load
(with different congestion control algs)
reno_cubic_westwood_lp : Realtime Response Under Load
(with different congestion control algs)
rrul : Realtime Response Under Load
rrul46 : Realtime Response Under Load - Mixed IPv4/6
rrul46compete : Realtime Response Under Load - Mixed v4/v6 compete
rrul_100_up : 100 up vs 1 down - exclusively Best Effort
rrul_50_down : 50 down vs 1 up - exclusively Best Effort
rrul_50_up : 50 up vs 1 down - exclusively Best Effort
rrul_be : Realtime Response Under Load - exclusively Best Effort
rrul_be_iperf : Realtime Response Under Load - exclusively Best Effort (Iperf TCP)
rrul_be_nflows : Realtime Response Under Load - Best Effort, configurable no of flows
rrul_cs8 : Realtime Response Under Load CS8, one flow per CS/precedence level
rrul_icmp : Realtime Response Under Load - Best Effort, only ICMP ping
rrul_noclassification : Realtime Response Under Load - no classification on data flows
rrul_prio : Realtime Response Under Load - Test Prio Queue
rrul_torrent : Torrent-like competition
rrul_up : Realtime Response Under Load - upload only
rrul_var : Realtime Response Under Load - variable configurable streams
rtt_fair : RTT Fair Realtime Response Under Load
rtt_fair4be : RTT Fair Realtime Response Under Load
rtt_fair6be : RTT Fair Realtime Response Under Load
rtt_fair_up : RTT Fair upstream only
rtt_fair_var : RTT Fair - variable number of hosts
rtt_fair_var_down : RTT Fair - variable number of hosts (download only)
rtt_fair_var_mixed : RTT Fair - variable number of hosts (mixed up and down)
rtt_fair_var_up : RTT Fair - variable number of hosts (upload only)
sctp_vs_tcp : SCTP vs TCP
tcp_12down : TCP download - 12 streams w/ping
tcp_12up : TCP upload - 12 streams w/ping
tcp_1down : Single TCP download stream w/ping
tcp_1up : Single TCP upload stream w/ping
tcp_1up_noping : Single TCP upload stream
tcp_2down : TCP download - 2 streams w/ping
tcp_2up : TCP upload - 2 streams w/ping
tcp_2up_delay : Two TCP upload streams; 2nd stream started delayed
tcp_2up_square : Two TCP upload streams; 2nd stream started delayed
tcp_2up_square_westwood : Two TCP upload streams; 2nd stream started delayed
tcp_4down : TCP download - 4 streams w/ping
tcp_4up : TCP upload - 4 streams w/ping
tcp_4up_squarewave : Four TCP upload streams; 2nd streams started delayed, cubic vs BBR
tcp_6down : TCP download - 6 streams w/ping
tcp_6up : TCP upload - 6 streams w/ping
tcp_8down : TCP download - 8 streams w/ping
tcp_8up : TCP upload - 8 streams w/ping
tcp_bidirectional : Bidirectional TCP streams w/ping
tcp_download : TCP download stream w/ping
tcp_ndown : TCP download - N streams w/ping
tcp_nup : TCP upload - N streams w/ping
tcp_upload : TCP upload stream w/ping
tcp_upload_1000 : 1000 up - exclusively Best Effort
tcp_upload_prio : TCP upload stream w/ToS prio bits
udp_flood : UDP flood w/ping
udp_flood_var_up : UDP flood w/ping - variable number of hosts
udp_flood_var_up_stagger : UDP flood w/ping - variable number of hosts, staggered start
voip : VoIP one-way stream test
voip-1up : VoIP one-way stream test with competing TCP stream
voip-rrul : VoIP one-way stream test with competing RRUL test
[lanforge@ct523c-0b29 ~]$ netserver
Starting netserver with host 'IN(6)ADDR_ANY' port '12865' and family AF_UNSPEC
[lanforge@ct523c-0b29 ~]$ flent-gui rtt_fair_var-2020-04-15T130555.781338.flent.gz
[lanforge@ct523c-0b29 ~]$ flent-gui tcp_download-2020-04-15T112442.452934.flent.gz tcp_download-2020-04-15T113910.591355.flent.gz
[lanforge@ct523c-0b29 ~]$ cat flent-batch.txt
test_name = tcp_download
hosts = sta00000
title = sta00000-tcp-down rep:${repetition}
filename_extra = sta00000-tcp-down-${repetition}
repetitions = 5
test_name = tcp_upload
hosts = sta00000
title = sta00000-tcp-up rep:${repetition}
filename_extra = sta00000-tcp-up-${repetition}
repetitions = 5
test_name = rrul
hosts = sta00000
title = sta00000-rrul rep:${repetition}
filename_extra = sta00000-rrul-${repetition}
repetitions = 5\