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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

Create Virtual AP in Bridge Mode

Goal: Create a Virtual AP and set it up to bridge with the wired Ethernet port.

Create a Virtual AP and set it up to bridge with the wired Ethernet port. This example uses the LANforge CT523 but the procedure should work on all CT521, CT522, CT523, CT525 and similar systems.
  1. Create a virtual AP on wiphy1.
    1. Go to the Port Manager screenshot
    2. Select port wiphy1 and click Create.
    3. Select the Wifi VAP button, then enter MAC, Quantity, STA ID, and SSID: screenshot
    4. Configure the radio's channel (which will apply to the VAP that was just created). Select the wiphy1 interface in the Port-Mgr tab and click Modify. Select the channel, and optionally the country-code, and then press OK. screenshot

    For more information see LANforge User's Guide: Ports (Interfaces)

  2. Use the Netsmith feature to create a bridge device to hold the VAP and the Ethernet Port.
    1. Go to the Status tab, and click the Netsmith button for Resource 1.
    2. Drag the existing interfaces into a more pleasing layout and click Apply
    3. Right-click in empty space and chose the New Bridge option. screenshot
    4. Enter Quantity 1, and give it a name such as br0, and then click Apply screenshot
    5. Click SYNC in the Netsmith window and the br0 interface should appear.
    6. Right-click on the br0 interface and select Modify Port screenshot
      1. Add vap0 and eth1 to the bridge.
      2. Click Apply, and then Sync.
    7. Go back to the Netsmith window, and you should see the br0 device connected to vap0 and eth1 with purple lines. If you do not, try clicking once on the br0 icon to force a re-draw. You now have a VAP in bridge mode. Connect the upstream network to eth1, and stations associated with vap0 will be able to communicate with that upstream network. screenshot

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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