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Advanced configuration options for TR-398 Issue-2/3 and Mesh on a 4-Chamber Setup

Goal: Explore advanced configuration options for a TR398 issue-3 mesh testbed. The testbed in this example supports both 32 real tri-band radios as well as 6 virtual-station dual-band radios. See the TR398 testbed page for more information.

In this test scenario, a LANforge cluster (of three 523c and 3 521b systems) is used to emulate different station and AP scenarios and generate and receive traffic with a set of 3 meshed APs. This example assumes user has some experience with Chamber View and TR398, and has an appropriate LANforge TR398 testbed. Please contact for assistance in setting up the TR-398 testbed.

  1. System configuration overview.
    1. The status panel shows all 6 LANforge systems connected and available. screenshot
    2. The Chamber View window shows the RF chambers, attenuated paths, APs, and LANforge systems. screenshot
    3. This setup uses LANforge as the upstream (WAN) port for the APs. This allows the testbed to be isolated from the lab network, and also facilitates running the APs in either bridge or routed mode. screenshot
  2. Launch the TR398 issue 2 test. Unless otherwise specified, this test is configured for TR398 issue3. The settings may be changed to run the TR398 issue 2 tests as user prefers. screenshot
  3. The Virtual Sta Radio settings tab is for the radios supporting virtual stations (MTK7915 4x4 dual-band AX in this example). The zero-attenuation RSSI values are calibrated during testbed configuration. See TR398 calibration cookbook for instructions on how to do this. screenshot
  4. The 802.11AX Settings tab is for configuring non-virtual-station radios, Intel AX210 in this case. screenshot
  5. The 802.11AX Settings 2 tab is for configuring additional non-virtual-station radios, Intel AX210 in this case. Some testbeds will have different attenuators for groups 2-7. The testbed in this example uses splitter-combiners so that all radios in groups 2-7 go through the same attenuator, so there are no attenuators configured on this second AX settings tab. screenshot
  6. The Mesh Settings tab has information needed to run the Mesh test cases. This includes the DUT information for the node-1 and node-2 mesh chambers, attenuator mappings between chambers, and some scanning configuration. screenshot
  7. The Mesh Settings 2 tab has additional mapping information needed for a 3-node mesh testbed. screenshot
  8. The Per-Test Config tabs provide tunable settings for individual test cases. Each entry field will have a tool-tip to explain what it does in more detail. The sections will only be active if the respective test case is selected on the Settings tab. screenshot
  9. The Per-Test Config 2 tab. screenshot
  10. The Per-Test Config 3 tab allows setting specific attenuations and pass/fail for the RvR and spatial consistency tests. screenshot
  11. The Per-Test Config 4 tab allows tuning the peak-performanc tests and others. screenshot
  12. The Per-Test Config 5 tab. screenshot
  13. The Advanced Configuration tab has settings that apply to many tests. The top section is for saving and loading test configurations. The Import Config window will let one paste in a full or partial test configuration file to apply those changes easily. The Rotation fiels at the bottom allow the user to specify optimal rotations to run tests which do not explicitly control the turntable. Use the Rate vs Orientation test to find optimal rotations. screenshot
  14. The Report Configuration tab allows customizing the report generated by the TR398 test cases.. screenshot
  15. The Issue-3 page is for experimental test cases. At time of writing, this tab is not needed. The ATF test case will be executed if the 'Use Issue-3 Behaviour' checkbox is selected on the Settings page. screenshot

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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