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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

LANforge Server Installation for Linux (Ubuntu) Machines

Goal: Install the LANforge Server on the Linux (specifically Ubuntu) resource machine and configure the new resource to contact the manager machine to join the LANforge realm.

This cookbook requires LANforge GUI version 5.4.6 and above.


The LANforge InterOp solution of Candela technologies are used to support real clients for testing Access Points. InterOp gives the ease of handling real clients with complete automation and populate a detailed reports on the entire duration of the test.

We have support for various kinds of real clients:

-      Android clients.
-      iOS clients.
-      Windows Machines.
-      Linux Machines.
-      MacOS Machines.

Before getting started:

All applications requiring internet for installation should be installed before starting the LANforge server.

LANforge Server Installation Steps on Ubuntu 18.04.5 and 20.04.5 LTS machine:

  1. Open a new terminal.

  2. Create LANforge Accounts:

Create a lanforge user and install the LANforge software in the lanforge home directory. Do this by typing in these commands in the terminal:

sudo adduser lanforge [ENTER]

password lanforge [ENTER]

  1. Install the LANforge Server.

From the candelatech page download the LANforgeServer-5.4.6_Linux-F30-x64.tar.gz file in Ubuntu 18.04.5 or Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS machine.


  1. Open a new terminal and navigate to Downloads directory using cd Downloads and untar the downloaded file using the below commands.

cd Downloads [ENTER]

tar -xvzf LANforgeServer-*_Linux-x86.tar.gz [ENTER]


  1. Navigate to the lanforge server path. Then, as root user, install the lanforge server using the below commands.

cd LANforgeServer-5.4.6/

sudo ./install.bash


  1. Open a new terminal and type in commands below into that terminal: 

sudo su [ENTER] (to be root user)


cd /home/lanforge [ENTER]

./ --do_interop --lfver 5.4.6 [ENTER]

These set of commands will run the server installation script we downloaded above (with the proper arguments).


In the package configuration select “lightdm”.


After the installation is successful a “Done” message will be shown in the mate terminal.


  1. Configure Lanforge Server

After running the install script, cd to the /home/lanforge directory as root and run the lfconfig script to configure LANforge (as below):

cd /home/lanforge

sudo ./lfconfig


Running the command ./lfconfig --help in the terminal will display all flags for the lfconfig script and what each usage is.


  1. LANforge Manager with Clustered Resources

Configure LANforge resources in the same realm as the manager as illustrated by the list of lfconfig key value entries in the example below:

Manager (Resource #1) Resource #2 Resource #3 Resource #4
mgt_dev eth0
resource 1
realm 22
mode both
mgt_dev eth0
resource 2
realm 22
mode resource
mgt_dev eth0
resource 3
realm 22
mode resource
mgt_dev eth0
resource 4
realm 22
mode resource


  1. Start Lanforge server

To start the LANforge servers, use the serverctl.bash script as root shown in the commands below:

sudo./serverctl.bash start


  1. All clustered resources will now be displayed on the Status page of the LANforge GUI and listed in the Resource Mgr tab.


Steps to install LANforge Server on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine:

  1. Open a new terminal.

  2. Create LANforge Accounts

Create a lanforge user and install the LANforge software in the lanforge home directory.

sudo adduser lanforge;password lanforge

  1. Install LANforge Server

From the candelatech page download the LANforgeServer-5.4.6_Linux-F21-x64.tar.gz file in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine.

  1. After downloading follow all the above steps from 4-11 for installing lanforge server in Ubuntu 16.04 machine.

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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