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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

LANforge as Access Point

Goal: Create four LANforge APs in bridged mode using Chamber View

In this test scenario, two LANforge CT522 systems are used to create 4 APs. The APs could be used for testing client devices such as phones. This is a simple example with no authentication.

  1. Configure Chamber View to create Access Points.
    1. Open Chamber View by clicking on the 'Chamber View' button in the LANforge-GUI. You can right-click in Chamber View to create various objects. The LANforge system(s) should show up as green boxes in Chamber View. screenshot
    2. Configure a Chamber View Scenario and add the AP profiles. screenshot
    3. This example uses 4 different bridged-AP profiles. Each profile is the same except that it has a different SSID. screenshot
    4. Once you have saved and selected the Scenario, click Apply Scenario and then click Build Scenario. The APs will be created, bridge devices will be created and will contain the APs and the Ethernet ports selected in the scenario. The Access Point devices will be started as part of the build process, so the system is now ready to be used. You can also make further modifications to the AP configuration by modifying the vap interfaces in the Port-Mgr tab of the LANforge GUI. screenshot

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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