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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

Connect to LANforge using VNC Viewer

Goal: Operate your LANforge's Linux desktop by accessing it with the VNC Viewer utility.

LANforge computers on Intel hardware are typically installed with a full Linux desktop. You can use the LANforge GUI, do traffic sniffing, open terminal windows, and office software using a VNC Viewer program. LANforge computers are pre-configured with RDP and VNC desktop services.
  1. You can download a variety of viewers:
    1. Check for viewer packages on your LANforge web page: screenshot
    2. or download RealVnc
    3. or download TightVnc
  2. From your Windows Start Menu, type "vnc" and VNC viewer should be an option. screenshot
  3. If you are using the start menu, it will be under either in All Programs > RealVNC or TightVNC screenshot
  4. Double click the vnc icon and it will ask you for the IP address. You want to set the Encryption option to off because we presume you are connected directly to the LANforge. screenshot
  5. VNC Viewer might warn you about connecting without encryption. This is a valid warning if you are connecting across public networks. screenshot
  6. The password is lanforge. screenshot
  7. You will see the LANforge Linux desktop. This is not the same desktop that is actually running on the console if you have a monitor and keyboard connected. screenshot
  8. When you are done with your connection, you may close the VNC viewer window. You will not be logged out. When you connect using VNC viewer again, it show the current state of that desktop. connect you to the last used VNC session.
  9. To restart the vnc desktop session, select you can issue either of these two commands. You start using ssh (PuTTY et. al.) to connect as lanforge to the LANforge machine, and:
    1. sudo systemctl restart "vncserver@:1.service"
    2. or
    3. sudo vncserver -kill :1

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