- Status tab:
Please read the see also below (LANforge Manager) to read about the LANforge Status tab. This is where information about the server is typically stored, configurations of the GUI are able to be saved, and where the Netsmith is.
For more information see Step 2: LANforge Manager
- Port Mgr tab:
The Port Mgr tab is where all the ports and representations of the radios, wifi objects, and ethernet connections are located. The Port Mgr (or Port Manager) includes the location/appearance of all further MAC-VLANs, 802.1Q-VLANs, Redirects, Bridges, Bonds, GRE Tunnels, WiFi Stations, WiFi VAPs, WiFi Monitors and WiFi Virtual Radios. Please read more about the Port Mgr tab next to see-also below
For more information see Ports (Interfaces)
- Layer-3 tab, L3 Endps tab:
The Layer-3 tab are where Layer-3 WiFIRE traffic connections are made, started, stopped, modified, and displayed. Each cross-connects have 2 endpoints each. These endpoints and the traffic/data associated with them are found and elaborated under the L3 Endps tab in the GUI. Please visit the introduction to Layer-3 Cross-Connects, linked below, for a general overview.
For more information see Layer-3 Cross-Connects (FIRE)
- Layer 4-7 tab:
The ‘Layer 4-7’ tab is currently where Layer-4 HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, TFTP, SCP and SFTP endpoints are made. These are stateful protocols that will communicate properly with third-party servers. FTP, FTPS, TFTP, SCP and SFTP can upload and download, and the other protocols are only for downloading. The Layer 4-7 tab is used to manage Layer 4-7 endpoints.
For more information see Layer 4-7
- Resource Mgr tab:
The Resource Mgr tab displays information on all Resources discovered by the LANforge server and provides the ability to perform system functions on selected machines (one or more). The definition of a resource is a LANforge machine that belongs to a numbered realm. The realm 255 is always a stand-alone realm while the realm resource 1 is the manager. The Resource Mgr tab displays LANforge servers in the same realm. LANforge systems have to be manually numbered, two LANforge systems with the same resource ID will confuse the manager resource. Please visit the link below for more information on the Resource Mgr
For more information see Resources (Data Generator Machines)
- Messages, Warnings, Wifi-Messages Mgr tab:
The Messages, Warnings and Wifi-Messages tab are all tabs that should be open at all times. All these tabs contain important information about the LANforge GUI Interface. The Messages tab displays detailed CLI command feedback from the LANforge Server. When scripting, command failures can be shown here. If any one of these 3 tabs are highlighted/have a yellow background in the tab bar, there is a new update in that yellowed tab.For information on any other tabs, besides the ones mentioned above, please visit the link below LANforge-GUI User Guide: Tab Display Preferences for further tab descriptions.
For more information see Tab Display Preferences
- Using Netsmith tab:
In the LANforge GUI, on the Status page there is a small button named Netsmith. It is a tool used to help visualize the relationships of ports and cross connects defined in the resource you are viewing. There is a separate Netsmith view for each LANforge resource in your realm. There are several ways to edit the GUI objects in Netsmith, display the different up-to-date connections in the GUI, and what is shown in Netsmith. Please visit the link below to understand how to use Netsmith in greater detail.
For more information see Netsmith: Virtual Network Configurator