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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

Basic CICD AP Testing with LANforge

Goal: Set up Basic CICD a LANforge system, Regression Automation and Reporting with data from previous runs.

The LANforge CICD framework provides an ability to execute a suite of tests and report results.
  1. The following steps are discussed
    1. Set Up CICD Controller and Environment
    2. Set Up The JSON Configuration Files
    3. Test Execution
    4. Test Results
  2. Set Up CICD Controller and Environment
    1. clone lanforge-scripts from
    2. run /lanforge-scripts/py-scripts/ to install python packages for generating output
    3. Install web server:
        The web server is to allow for viewing of results from User Terminals
        The CICD - Controller is not dependent on a web server, results may be viewed locally on CICD - Controller
      1. LANforge LANforge installation using installs a web server on LANforge
          LANforge installation installs an httpd server, LANforge may be used for storing and displaying results.
          For the following example a separate LANforge system (Fedora) was used as the CICD - Controller and httpd web server.
      2. Fedora install httpd and configure server sudo dnf install httpd
      3. Ubuntu install apache2 and configure server sudo apt install apache2
    4. Install mail service for email of links to results
        For the example below Linux mailx program was used
        Installation of mail services is dependent on the environment in which the CICD - Controller is installed.
        The CICD - Controller is not dependent on email services
    5. Install database sqlite3
      1. Fedora sudo dnf install sqlite3
      2. Ubuntu sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sqlite3
    6. Create a html-reports directory. On lanforge /home/lanforge/html-reports
    7. Determine sqlite3 database name and location, sqlite3 db will be created. ./tools/qa_sqlite3.db
  3. Set Up The JSON Configuration Files
    1. There are three JSON configuration input files described below.   For all the JSON configuration files the CAPITALIZED parameters allow for a value to be entered into  one location and used in multiple areas of the CICD framework.  For example in ssid_indx=1 the SSID_USED is set to asus11ax-5. For the test suite below the SSID_USED  may be entered instead of asusu11ax-5, thus if the SSID changes, the SSID will need to be modified in ct_AX88U_dut,  the ct_tests.json will remain untouched. This reduces the need to modify the ct_test.json for SSID changes  that would affect multiple tests
      1. --json_rig test_rig.json this JSON file describes LANforge test rig, Example ct_test_rig.json
        The test_rig.json describes the LANforge system and test parameters for the CICD - Controller
      2. --json_dut ct_AX88U_dut.json this JSON file describes the AP, Example ct_AX88U_dut.json
        the ct_AX88U_dut.json describes the device under test parameters, DUT_SET_NAME: DUT_NAME ASUSSRT-AX88U for example is used by Chamberview Tests
      3. --json_test ct_tests.json this JSON file describes the tests, Example ct_tests.json
        The tests may use the CAPITALIZED variables or may be entered with the command line arguments as they would be entered on the command line.  
        The tests are not limited to only python tests
    2. test_rig.json
                  "This JSON file describes LANforge system and test run configuration"
              "TEST_BED": "CT-TEST-001",
              "TEST_RIG": "CT-TEST-001",
              "DATABASE_SQLITE": "./tools/qa_sqlite3.db",
              "LF_MGR_IP": "",
              "LF_MGR_PORT": "8080",
              "LF_MGR_USER": "lanforge",
              "LF_MGR_PASS": "lanforge",
              "TEST_TIMEOUT": 600,
              "EMAIL_LIST_PRODUCTION": "",
              "EMAIL_LIST_TEST": "",
              "EMAIL_TITLE_TXT": "Lanforge QA Testing",
              "EMAIL_TXT": "Lanforge QA Testing"
    3. ct_AX88U_dut.json
                  "The device undertest configuration is contained in this file"
              "DUT_SET_NAME": "DUT_NAME ASUSRT-AX88U",
              "USE_DUT_NAME": "ASUSRT-AX88U",
    4. ct_tests.json
                  "This JSON file describes tests to be run by LANforge system"
                          " --lfmgr LF_MGR_IP --port LF_MGR_PORT --dut_name DUT_NAME",
                          " --ssid 'ssid_idx=0 ssid=SSID_USED security=SECURITY_USED password=SSID_PW_USED bssid=BSSID'",
                          " --ssid 'ssid_idx=1 ssid=SSID_USED security=SECURITY_USED password=SSID_PW_USED bssid=BSSID'",
                          " --sw_version DUT_SW --hw_version DUT_HW --serial_num DUT_SERIAL --model_num DUT_NAME"
                          " --lfmgr LF_MGR_IP --port LF_MGR_PORT --delete_scenario",
                          " --create_scenario scenario_wpa2_wc",
                          " --raw_line \"profile_link 1.1 STA-AC 19 'DUT: DUT_NAME Radio-1' NA wiphy7,AUTO -1 NA\" ",
                          " --raw_line \"profile_link 1.1 upstream-dhcp 1 NA NA UPSTREAM_PORT,AUTO -1 NA\""                    
                          " --mgr LF_MGR_IP --port LF_MGR_PORT --lf_user LF_MGR_USER --lf_password LF_MGR_PASS --instance_name scenario_wpa2_wc",
                          " --upstream UPSTREAM_PORT --batch_size 1,10,19 --loop_iter 1 --protocol UDP-IPv4 --duration 6000",
                          " --pull_report --local_lf_report_dir REPORT_PATH --test_tag 'wpa2_wc'",
                          " --test_rig TEST_RIG",
                          " --set DUT_SET_NAME"
                          " --path REPORT_PATH --store --png --database DATABASE_SQLITE"
    5. sample command with above data:
      ./  --json_rig ct_test_rig.json \ 
             --json_dut ct_AX88U_dut.json \ 
             --json_test ct_tests.json \ 
             --suite "suite_wc" \ 
             --path '/home/lanforge/html-reports/ct_results_directory'
  4. Set Up The JSON Configuration Files
    1. The is run form the lanforge-scripts/py-scripts/tools directory
    2. uses three JSON files as input:
        For Example:
      ct_test_rig.json - describes the LANforge test rig configuration
      ct_AX88U_dut.json - describes the device under test
      ct_tests.json -describe the tests to be run.
  5. execution, simple command example
    1. ./  --json_rig ct_test_rig.json \ 
             --json_dut ct_AX88U_dut.json \ 
             --json_test ct_tests.json \ 
             --suite "suite_wc" \ 
             --path '/home/lanforge/html-reports/ct_results_directory'
  6. Sample email sent on run screenshot
  7. sample Report screenshot
  8. process kpi.csv, produces html/pdf results, produces plotly png and interactive graphs from test run kpi
    sample command:
    ./  --path  /home/lanforge/html-reports/ct_results_directory/(results dir of\
    --store \
    --png \
    --database ./tools/qa_aqlite3.db
  9. sample Report screenshot
  10. Sample Output example lf_check Report
  11. Test Control Inputs in Test Suite JSON
    1.                 "enabled":"TRUE"
        Allows for individual test enable and disable of the test.
    2.                 "load_db":"CUSTOM_DATABASE"
        Allows for loading a LANforge database prior to the test run.
    3.                 "timeout":"300"
        Allows for test to have individual timeout other then default.
    4.                 "iterations":"2"
        Allows for test to run multiple iterations.

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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