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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

LANforge Successes

These installations represent some of the many ways LANforge can help you with your own network testing challenges.

Organization Installation Details
AP Connections
" You've reached a quintessential point in business when your product has no service effecting issues. NetEqualizer has arrived at that point. For the last six months, no issues have surfaced. None. Any "problems" have been system-specific and surmountable, usually easily. It's a great feeling.

We have to give credit where credit is due, and that would be to say that the recent surge in reliability is a direct result of an informal partnership with Candela Technologies.

As you can imagine as with all products installed in a network, reproducing subtle field issues in a test lab can be maddening. But Candela does it reliably. With their LANforge line of equipment you can root out almost any issue in your network. It is what we use in house and the pay-off is immeasurable.

Thanks, Candela Tech; we both get bragging rights to your results. "

Boeing Boeing uses LANforge-ICE to emulate high-speed satellite networks.
Bridger Funding Bridger Funding used LANforge-ICE to test the deployment of a new network architecture. LANforge-ICE exposed some problems during the test phase, when it was still possible to fix them!

"Thank you very much for this product and all of your help answering my crazy questions. This product has saved us a ton of time in testing out different scenarios and an equal if not greater amount of money from deploying a bad solution to the company!"
-- System Administrator
Comtech EF Data LANforge-FIRE tests Comtech's satellite modem equipment, including automated throughput and correctness tests.
Ernst & Young Both LANforge-FIRE and LANforge-ICE systems help Ernst & Young test their network systems and infrastructure.
F5/SwanLabs SwanLabs (now part of F5) uses LANforge-FIRE to generate traffic to test their bandwidth compression solutions. They also use the LANforge-ICE WAN emulator to emulate the networks that their appliance will help utilize better. LANforge was used during testing of the appliance by Network Computing. You can find the review here.
GE Medical Systems ( GE Medical Systems uses LANforge-ICE to emulate Wide Area Networks during development of their client/server programs.
Honeywell Honeywell uses LANforge-ICE to emulate Wide Area Networks to aid with development and testing of their applications.
Lockheed Martin LANforge is used to generate load on a wide area network. This testing helps Lockheed to understand real-world limitations early in the design stage.
Spirent Communications Spirent uses 1 Gbps LANforge-ICE systems to provide network impairments.
Texas A&M University LANforge is used in a distance learning program to load various network devices and network layouts.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute LANforge will generate 10 to 50Mbps of traffic per port to be used to test a large research network called Oceanus.

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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