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Network Testing and Emulation Solutions

Automated scanning of SSID, BSSID, and Signal of available wireless APs

Goal: Create a station and scan for SSID, BSSID, and Signal of available wireless APs

We will learn how to use a script to create a station and scan for available APs. We will then look at the /scanresults/ URI and the info we can get from a scan through JSON. Please refer to as an example script.
  1. Using the Script

    1. Command Line Options
      1. --sta_name nameOfStation
        Specifies the name of the station to be created, if this option is used, the name will default to sta0000.
      2. --ssid nameOfNetwork
        Specifies the name of the network to connect to.
        This value must be used, however, the SSID does not have to exist and a fake name can be used.
      3. --security {WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, Open}
        Specifies the security type of the network to connect to.
        This value must be used, however, if a fake SSID is used the type should be open.
    2. Running the script
      1. As an example, we can run the script using:
        ./ --sta_name sta0000 --ssid fake_ssid --security open --radio wiphy0 
      2. This will produce output that looks like this:
        BSS                     Signal  SSID
        08:36:c9:e3:d4:da -32.0 Logan-Test-Net
        10:56:11:0c:04:02 -80.0 :)
        22:56:11:0c:04:02 -79.0 xfinitywifi
        32:56:11:0c:04:02 -80.0 NA
        This script produces limited output, for more detail we can look at the webpage hosted by LANforge.
  2. The /scanresults/ URI

    1. In order to view this page we will need to create a station and start a scan.
      1. First we will create the station (Make sure to click on a radio in the Port Mgr tab first): Picture of port manager before station creation
      2. Next we will create the station, the default values can be used or a specific number for the station can be given: Picture of station creation window
      3. After creating the station, we will give the an SSID to connect to. (This doesn't have to be a real AP): Picture of station details window with SSID field highlighted
      4. Clicking on Display Scan at the bottom of the station settings window will bring us to the Scan window: Picture of station details window with Display Scan button highlighted
      5. Finally we'll be able to start the scan and see the results. Clicking on Scan and waiting a few seconds will show all of the APs availble to the station: Picture of final scan results
  3. JSON Response from /scanresults/

    1. Another way of viewing the same information is to use the /scanresults/ URI. This URL can be found at your LANforge ip using port 8080. Ex: We will also need the shelf number, the resource number, and the station name. The final URL would look like this
    2. The scan results can be viewed through JSON by using cURL on the same URL as before. The response will look like this:
      "beacon":"200","bss":"08:36:c9:e3:d4:da","channel":"44","entity id":"1.1.4",
      "frequency":"5220","info":"3x3 MCS 0-9 AC","signal":"-32.0","ssid":"Logan-Test-Net"}}]}
  4. Accessing and Printing JSON Response with Python

    1. We will use as an example for a start() method
      1. First, we'll need to send a JSON post using realm. Use this cookbook as reference for getting started with realm. Our JSON will look something like this:
        data = {
        "shelf": 1,
        "resource": 1,
        "port": self.sta_list
      2. We can then use json_post to send the request. We'll need to wait about 15 seconds to give the scan time to happen
        self.json_post("/cli-json/scan_wifi", data) 

      3. Next, we'll create a variable with the results from the scan using
        scan_results = self.json_get("scanresults/1/1/%s" % ','.join(self.sta_list))
      4. Finally, we'll create a loop to iterate through the JSON response and print some nicely formatted output
        print("{0:<23}".format("BSS"), "{0:<7}".format("Signal"), "{0:<5}".format("SSID"))
        for result in scan_results['scan-results']:
        for name, info in result.items():
        print("%s\t%s\t%s" % (info['bss'], info['signal'], info['ssid']))
    2. Final Results
      1. Our final function will look like this:
        def start(self):
        print("Sleeping 15s while waiting for scan")
        data = {
        "shelf": 1,
        "resource": 1,
        "port": self.sta_list
        self.json_post("/cli-json/scan_wifi", data)
        scan_results = self.json_get("scanresults/1/1/%s" % ','.join(self.sta_list))

        print("{0:<23}".format("BSS"), "{0:<7}".format("Signal"), "{0:<5}".format("SSID"))
        for result in scan_results['scan-results']:
        for name, info in result.items():
        print("%s\t%s\t%s" % (info['bss'], info['signal'], info['ssid']))
      2. Our formatted output should look like this:
        BSS                     Signal  SSID 
        00:0e:8e:52:4e:82 -33.0 test-net
        08:36:c9:e3:d4:db -31.0 Logan-Test-Net
        08:36:c9:e3:d4:dc -27.0 Logan-Test-Net

Candela  Technologies, 2417 Main Street, Suite 201, Ferndale, WA 98248, USA | | +1.360.380.1618
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